Summer Craziness!

It's been a crazy busy summer for me, the dogs and K9 Expeditions! This summer seems to be flying by with a mix of lots of hiking and training with our K9 hikers, working toward Stanley's and Stevie's American Championships in conformation, training to compete in Rally Obedience, developing K9 Expeditions Trail Treats - our own line of healthy treats, and we even managed to throw in a bit of vacation time!

As a result of all of this craziness, I've lagged behind in posting regular updates to Tails from the Trail! I will get back on track with this post about a perfect hike we had today.  Eloise, Stevie, Stanley and I had the forest to ourselves as it was a drizzly, wet day. We had a blast! The two shorthairs were, as you can see by the picture below, a wee-bit amped up and playing the ultimate game of chase. Eloise is so much more civilized. As they ran past her I was certain she was asking them in her very refined French accent (she is from France after all!), "why would you barbarians go running through the wet, muddy forest when there is a perfectly clean path right here?"