Cade Joined Us Today!

Sweet Little Cade

Cade (pronounced Katie) joined me and Stanley on her first hike today! She is a 5 1/2 month old vizsla and she and Stanley had loads of fun on the trail today. At first she was a bit shy, but she quickly realized what a big softy Stanley is and how much fun it is to go hiking with us.  Here are some pics from Cade's first hike. Sorry some of them are blurry!

This is when I knew that Cade was feeling more relaxed with us. She initiated play with Stanley and he wasn't about to waste the opportunity to play!

Cade and Stanley were enjoying a game of chase when they both stopped suddently about 15 feet from one another and faced each other and I was able to capture each of them in the above two photos. Who would be chased next? Turns out Stanley went running off in the other direction and Cade was quick to chase him.

I know this is a terrible photo, but I just love it because Cade was having so much fun and moving way too quickly for my photography skills to get a clean shot. Oh well, the image exudes fun and that's way more important!

Stanley and I can't wait for Cade's next hike with us!